Alright, so since I'm a wimp about running in the freezing cold lately, I've been spending more time on treadmills at the rec center. Monster loves building and painting and playing there so I take advantage of that.
Well, the treadmills are on the second floor and overlook a pool on one side, and basketball courst on the other. Today, the only tv I could see had The View on and since I can't watch a second of that show without getting angry and jaded, I decided to watch, again, the old, gray and wrinkly men playing basketball. It's a weekly club for them and there are always at least 9 guys sidelined waiting their turn to go in. That's pretty big! And oh yes, they play shirts vs. skins.
It's amazing to see how competitive they still are in their late 60's and 70's. You should have seen the pick the little round man set today. Hammered the skinny, sweaty guy pretty good! Almost funnier to watch are the old ladies that watch them. They've got their matching sweat suits on and their long hair up in pigtails or a pony tail. (I never understood long hair on old ladies. Never will. It's kind of creepy to me.) You can actually pick out the ones who were the popular ones in high school. And the ones who are lookin' for a date these days too. You should see the tans they sport ... and the hot pink, fake nails. Fascinating. I am not looking forward to the day when I'm one of the old ladies that a thirty-something mommy is watching from afar. I wonder what she'll think. (I'm pretty sure I won't care.)
Lastly, I need to share about the smell, yes the smell, of men both young and old. Did you ever notice that when they smell bad...they all smell the same bad. It's a collective old-sneaker-meets-stale-underarm-odor which meets sweaty socks smell. Every locker room I've ever passed...every gym I've ever walked into...and every treadmill I've stepped onto next to a dude, I've smelled that smell. Take a whiff next time and let me know if you agree!
It's the same with good smells. When guys smell good, they smell the same! There's nothing more gorgeous than a good, clean smell on a guy. I don't care if it's soap, aftershave or cologne -- when a man smells good, it automatically makes him have stronger muscles. What does that mean? I have no idea. But that's what I think about when I'm running on a treadmill. What you just read really only took up about 4 minutes of my run time though. The rest of the time I thought about other stuff. : )
Check out these pictures my little monster took with his camera. I love these shots! First one is of tulips my mom got me for no reason (which is the greatest reason to get flowers, by the way).
This next picture is of a lighthouse...but I'm not sure where that is in our house. You'd think I'd know, right? Ha. It's either that or a Barbasol can of shaving cream...
The last snapshot is of Monster's 3rd birthday party. I love the randomness and the colors.