Tim Tebow & Washington Post

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's no secret that I'm pro-life with every fiber of my being...and while I'm not usually the one to bring up the subject, you'll never find me wavering about the subject. I take the horrific act of abortion very personally and, unfortunately, I get very emotional about it. I'd love to be the calm person who can debate it, but I get to upset. Sad...then mad and my whole insides get fired up. Whew - that's all I can say about it right now!

I bring this up because my sister passed along a cool article to me today. It's about a specific ad during the Super Bowl featuring Tim Tebow. I'm definitely not a fan of Florida at all because I love those Buckeyes, I definitely appreciate Tim Tebow and his strength of character.

Please take a few minutes to read this article written by a pro-choice sports columnist at the Washington Post. She has some great points...and I appreciate her honest commentary about the ad Tim will be in during the Super Bowl.

Ciao friends!


Jen February 3, 2010 at 7:30 PM  

I HATE debating and I'm horrible at it because I get too upset.

I *just* saw this article tonight and loved it! I had never heard of this controversy... Unless it involves cartoon characters I'm sort of out of the loop. I loved the article and loved that it was by someone who defines herself as pro-choice, and that she is highlighting the difference between being politically pro-choice, and being pro-abortion. Which, until recently, I never would have thought anyone actually was. But I guess some people are...? Again, totally upsetting so I'll move on.

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