dream houses and flat chests

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I never had Barbie dolls when I was growing up. I played with my friends' dolls and such, but never had one of my own. My mom wanted to make sure I had a good self-esteem and didn't want the Barbie body-image to get to me. I'm sure she had other reasons too. (Sorry Mom, my body image and self-esteem are pretty bad but I'm still with you on the Barbie thing.) I had lots of Skipper dolls -- Barbie's flat-chested cousin, maybe? -- and Flower Kids and Cabbage Patch kids and every My Little Pony accessory known to man...or woman, but no stick-figure Barbie. And, except for one or two occasions, it didn't seem to bother me.

My favorite accessory to all of my dolls and toys was the pink dream house for My Little Pony. I move into my new dream house a week from today. One week. Whew - I am so excited! My mom is excited too because she finally gets to rid her attic of old toys like, well, Skipper. Skipper and I go way back and share the curse of flat-chestedness, but we'll walk into that new house together....Only she'll be at the bottom of a box somewhere and I'll be holding the hands of the two most important boys in my life. Let the fun begin...or, shall I say, continue!


Jen February 18, 2010 at 7:02 PM  

I HATE Barbie. I have a pretty bad body image and I sort of hate myself, but surprisingly I've grown to accept my very flat chest! Mostly because of all the help I get from very padded bras.

Your mom was absolutely right to ban Barbies!

I'm really excited for you about your move! That's so soon! I really enjoy unpacking when we move someplace. Settling in and finding places for our things is very comforting to me. You are going to have such a great time seeing things you haven't had out of boxes in forever!

Amie February 19, 2010 at 5:21 AM  

Is it bad I love Barbie? I always did. And you know what, I never once thought to myself "I want to grow up to look like just like her." I loved dressing her up, and doing her hair. I don't think there is anything wrong with having a pretty doll to play with- even if she isn't realistic. Although I absolutely love those new(er) dolls Open Hearts Saddle Club. Very cute, and very much realistic! A lot like Skipper actually!

I am sooooooooooooo excited for your new home, and I am dying to see it in person! Lucky girl, you deserve it :)

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