a backhanded christmas gift?

Friday, December 18, 2009

i am going to buy our neighbors a muffler for their car and a new screen door for christmas. or any occasion, really. they are great people. salt of the earth people! but they are LOUD. we hear that van start up, warm up, leave and then come back several times a day. it makes me CRAZY! this is not a new issue. they've had that loud van for at least the year and a half we've lived here. are mufflers that hard to come by? (actually, my husband says it the catalytic converter - but whatever.)

the side screen door is the only door they use, and the slam on that door could wake the dead. there's no spring or little part to slow it down - it just shuts full force each time. the kicker is that they always slam that door then start up the van ... faithfully at monster's naptime. whether they're pulling in or just leaving, it always wakes my boy and working from home most days, it really puts me in a bind when he doesn't nap! it really gets 'funny' the times they're finally about to pull out of the driveway when they remember something and have to go back into the house. of course they don't have a second key, so they stop the car, go back in and slam the door again. then slam it on the way out and start up the car again. double the pleasure - double the fun.

so i'm wondering how i can gift them these items without looking to obvious. impossible, you say? i agree but i might try it anyway. oh, thank you for letting me whine!


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