I have a great life. Superman for a husband and the fantastic Ironman (“the big one”) for a son. I’ve got a new house, an insanely wonderful mom and dad…brother and sister…and the greatest in-laws (totally including mother-, father-, sister-, brother-) anyone ever had. But the hectic chaos that has become my life is slowly driving me insane. I have got to get it together…and need to start living according to an Excel spreadsheet. I’ve only just begun…
Working 2 days in the office and doing the rest of my hours from home sounds delightful…and in some ways it is. But sooo not what I was expecting. More on that later.
Today just turned out to be a sucky day - mostly because I'm missing my husband and my son more than I ever have. Ever.
My lovely sister-in-law (http://melissasinger.blogspot.com/) came to TJ-sit again today from noon-5pm while I went to the office. From there, my sweet sis and newest sister-in-law took the remaining two hours (back to back) that I’d be away. It was a decent handoff when Melissa came this afternoon, but my little Monster has become quite moody boy when it comes to protecting his Mommy and his home – needing to hide when people come in and not wanting them to look at him. Is this odd? Please tell me it’s not odd for a 3-year old. Well, he got over it quickly and they started fun time before I was out the door. Lucky for me, my sister-in-law can handle Monster's silliness and games...and doesn't take it personally like I would. Whew!
Once at work, I started up my computer, took 4 calls that came to me within my first 30 seconds in the door and pulled my materials together for my meeting across campus – in, tick tock tick, 45 minutes and counting. I got to the meeting right on time, and sat there to learn a completely new system (which I will live by from this day forward) for 2.5 hours before leaving 5 minutes early to drive several miles down the road to CCC for a scheduled visit.
Over the next 11 minutes in the car, I returned 5 phone calls, ate half a sub, avoided two accidents, and nearly saved a senile old man’s life by allowing him to finish running across the middle of a major intersection without plowing him over.
When I arrived, I noticed my packet didn’t include the usual parking pass, so I had to park, then cart my suitcase (on rollers, thank goodness), 2nd bag o’ materials, computer bag and purse just under a mile to the building and my destination. I then purchased a parking pass, dropped off my materials and walked back to my car (remember, nearly a mile) to put the pass on my dash. I couldn’t leave my computer or purse at the desk so I brought them along with me again. My back hated me for it. So did my feet. I made my final walk back to my station and set up for the evening.
On my third trip into the building, I realized I was pretty thirsty. I was in luck! I had exactly $1.50 in my wallet to play with so I made a mad dash to the vending machine to buy a Diet Dr. Pepper. Yes, I did quit my addiction but I still need one from time to time. I was worried about how much it would cost…maybe I’d be 10cents short, but I wasn’t. Hooray! Money went in…and I gleefully hit the button for my thirst-quencher. Then the machine read “not available – make a new selection.” I told it (out loud, mind you) that I didn’t want another selection. I wanted Diet Dr. Pepper. It didn’t care…and it showed me that it didn’t care by not responding. Stupid machine. I got my money back and tried for my second choice but they were out of that too. I pouted for 12 seconds on my way back to my table where I sat down in defeat. Thirsty. Whine, whine, whine.
I got some work done, spoke with some great people…
And then I lost internet connection…in the middle of 4 emails and a 2 file downloads. Ugh!
Next, the fire alarm started going off. Sweet! I told myself they’d have to drag me out before I was going to leave…but it only took some police officer saying, “ma’am, we need everyone to evacuate this building” to get my booty out of the seat. Of course, I had to bring all my crap with me – computer and purse…but I left my work materials there to potentially burn. Which they didn’t.
17 minutes later, we were allowed back in the building with a lecture that we shouldn’t smoke near the fire alarms. Really?
Now I’m finally back at my work station…waiting to get my internet connection back…and writing this blog in a Word document in the meantime. The worst part? I’ve got to freaking pee. So here I go again, packing up my belongings to lug down to the bathroom with me.
Okay, so maybe not a suck day…but definitely a fast-forward tiring day. I can’t wait to go home and see my sweet little boy who becomes more and more grown up every single minute. I’m terrified that the next time I get home from work he’ll have a mustache and ask for the car keys. Please, little Monster, stay a little Monster for a long, long time.
Have a good day, friends!